Students » Counseling Resources

Counseling Resources

Classroom Guidance Lessons are offered to every class throughout the school year on a variety of topics.  The goal is to help educate students on social, emotional, and behavioral concerns which often appear during early childhood development.  Possible topics for Guidance Lessons include:  Feelings, What's A Bully?, Personal Safety, Respect, Tattling, Rude/Crude/Social Unacceptable Behavior is not okay, WHO (We Help Ourselves), We Are All Different.
Individual Counseling
Individual Counseling is usually referred by a parent or a teacher. Students may also request to see the counselor. When students come to see me, they are NEVER in trouble.  We are simply working together to help them solve developmental issues in their life and to have good days at school. 
Group Counseling

The "Sweet Pea Club" is held during the school day for a multi-week period.  We use the Kids Connection curriculum from Rainbow Days Inc.  (Go to for more information.)  This is a wonderful curriculum for any student.  We cover topics such as making choices, creating friendships, staying drug free, handling emotions, and goal setting.
“Lunch Break with Sweet Pea” is an informal lunch small group in the counseling room. Every kindergarten student is invited to participate once during the year. It is a time to get to know each other better while eating and playing centers. This is a lunch enjoyed by all.
“Lion C.U.B.S.” (Children Using Better living Skills) is a small group held in cooperation with our Wellness Director, Rhonda Carter. The goal is to assist students in learning healthy eating and exercise habits. Students experience rich activities while making friends and understanding the value of each individual.
Books/CDS/DVDS available for Check-Out
Also, we hold parenting classes throughout the year.  Please contact me if you would like to participate.
  • How to Reach and Teach Children with ADHD/ADD
  • Helping your Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Helping your Child with OCD
  • Helping your Angry Child
  • 106 Ways Parents Can Help Students Achieve
  • After a Loved one Dies – How Children Grieve and how parents and other adults can support them
  • Helping your Child Overcome Separation Anxiety or School Refusal
  • Helping your Child with Selective Mutism
  • Helping a Child with Nonverbal Learning Disorder or Asperger’s Disorder
  • Helping your Anxious Child
  • Parenting with Love & Logic *Also available in Spanish
  • Love and Logic Magic for Early Childhood
  • No More Misbehavin’ – 38 Difficult Behaviors and How to Stop Them
  • Taking the Stress out of Raising Great Kids
  • How to Discipline Your Kids without Losing their Love and Respect
  • Love and Logic Tickets to Success
  • Positive Discipline
  • Meeting the Challenge – Love and Logic for attention and behavior skills
  • Words will Never Hurt Me – Helping Kids handle bullying and teasing
  • Love and Logic Solutions for Kids with Special Needs
  • Parenting Children with Health Issues – Love and Logic
Audio CDs
  • Parenting with Love and Logic
  • Love and Logic Magic for Early Childhood
  • Shaping Self-Concept
  • Keeping Cool when Parenting Heats Up
  • Angry and Oppositional Students – Calming Classrooms
  • From Innocence to Entitlement
  • Winning the Homework Battle
  • When Kids Drain your Energy
  • Oh Great!  What Do I do Now? Parenting Remedies for when Kids Cook up the Unexpected
  • Helicopters, Drill Sergeants and Consultants
  • Love and Logic for Toddlers and Pre-Schoolers
  • Trouble-free Teens (and pre-teens)
  • Avoiding Power Struggles with Kids
  • Didn’t I tell you to take out the trash?  Chores without Hassles
  • Calming the Chaos – Behavior improvement strategies for ADHD
  • Helping Kids Face Today’s World
  • Love and Logic Solutions
  • Real World Parenting Solutions that Prepare Kids for the Real World
  • How to Make the Best of Sibling Rivalry
  • Parenting doesn’t have to be Rocket Science – Teach Kids Good Choices
  • How to Discipline Kids without Losing their Love and Respect
  • How to Raise Kids Who Make Responsible Decisions when Nobody is Watching
  • Hope for Underachieving Kids